SQLite PHP: Update Data

Summary: in this tutorial, we will show you how to update data in the SQLite database using PHP PDO.

Steps for updating data in the SQLite database from PHP

The process of updating data is similar to the process of inserting data. To update data in a table, you use these steps:

  1. Connect to the SQLite database by creating a new PDO object.
  2. Prepare an UPDATE statement using the prepare() method of the PDO object. The prepare() method returns a PDOStatement object.
  3. Bind values to the parameters of the UPDATE statement using the bindValue() method of the PDOStatement object.
  4. Execute the UPDATE statement by calling the execute() method of the PDOStatement object. The execute() method returns true on success or false on failure.

SQLite PHP: update data example

We will use the tasks table that we created in the creating table tutorial for the demonstration.

See the following SQLiteUpdate class.


namespace App;

 * PHP SQLite Update Demo
class SQLiteUpdate {

     * PDO object
     * @var \PDO
    private $pdo;

     * Initialize the object with a specified PDO object
    public function __construct($pdo) {
        $this->pdo = $pdo;

     * Mark a task specified by the task_id completed
     * @param type $taskId
     * @param type $completedDate
     * @return bool true if success and falase on failure
    public function completeTask($taskId, $completedDate) {
        // SQL statement to update status of a task to completed
        $sql = "UPDATE tasks "
                . "SET completed = 1, "
                . "completed_date = :completed_date "
                . "WHERE task_id = :task_id";

        $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);

        // passing values to the parameters
        $stmt->bindValue(':task_id', $taskId);
        $stmt->bindValue(':completed_date', $completedDate);

        // execute the update statement
        return $stmt->execute();
}Code language: PHP (php)

In the completeTask() method, we update the completed and completed_date columns of the tasks table using the UPDATE statement.

Suppose you want to mark the task with id 2 completed,  you use the following code in the index.php file.

SQLite PHP Update Data

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use App\SQLiteConnection;
use App\SQLiteUpdate;

$pdo = (new SQLiteConnection())->connect();
$sqlite = new SQLiteUpdate($pdo);

// mark task #2 as completed
$taskId = 2;
$result = $sqlite->completeTask($taskId, '2016-05-02');

if ($result)
    echo 'Task #$taskId has been completed';
    echo 'Whoops, something wrong happened.';Code language: PHP (php)

Execute the index.php script, we got the following message:

Task #2 has been completedCode language: Shell Session (shell)

Let’s verify the update using the following SELECT statement:

  FROM tasks
 WHERE task_id = 2;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
SQLite PHP update example

The task with id 2 has been updated as shown in the screenshot above.

To get the number of rows affected by the UPDATE statement, you use rowCount() method of the PDOStatement object.

   $stmt->rowCount();Code language: PHP (php)

In this tutorial, we have shown you how to update data in the SQLite table using PHP PDO.

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